Can Incorrect Airflow Impact Air Conditioner Performance After a Tune Up?

Learn how incorrect airflow can impact your AC performance after a tune up. Find out what elements can influence an AC unit's performance and how to prevent them from accumulating.

Can Incorrect Airflow Impact Air Conditioner Performance After a Tune Up?

As we discussed in previous articles, there are many elements that can influence the performance of an air conditioner. The most common issues are the three “D's” of dirt, debris, and dust. A dirty air conditioner, a dirty condenser coil, or a clogged air filter can cause more problems than you might think. They can also be costly to operate your unit, without you even knowing it.

That's why it's essential to be aware of the three “D's” that affect air conditioner performance and take proactive steps to prevent them from accumulating. If you have pets or your central air system is constantly running, you'll need to change your filters more often. For a living room or family room, you'll want an air conditioner with a capacity of 9,800 to 12,500 Btu, especially if you have an open floor plan. You don't want to make the wrong choice and end up with a filter that doesn't stop air pollutants or damage the air conditioner. This raises the concern that the filters will make it difficult for the air conditioner (and, eventually, the heater) to work.

For a small bedroom, home office, or guest room, look for an air conditioner with a capacity of 5,000 to 6,500 Btu. When your air conditioner works this way, you waste a lot of energy and your energy bills are likely to be higher. Normally, a hum can occur if the airflow is partially obstructed when the air conditioning unit attempts to push the air to overcome the obstruction, creating penetrating sounds. To keep indoor and outdoor units working properly and efficiently, it's best to do a spring and fall “tune-up”, not only to clean the dirty air conditioner and heating system but also to ensure that moving parts maintain the air conditioning. Air conditioner settings not only increase system efficiency but also help save energy and extend the life of the air conditioning system.

We asked the air conditioning professionals and test engineers at Consumer Reports to identify the most common problems that occur with central and window air conditioners. In fact, the air inside a building can be three to four times worse than the outside air. We can clean that dirty air conditioner, clean the dirty condenser coil, and change that clogged filter and show you how to achieve maximum air conditioner performance. The condenser coil may be one of the most important parts of your AC system as it removes hot air from your home. The standard filter consists of a medium that traps unwanted particles in the air as they pass through. So can incorrect airflow affect your AC performance after a tune up? Yes! If airflow is blocked or obstructed in any way it can cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary which will lead to higher energy bills and decreased performance.

It is important to make sure that all filters are changed regularly and that all vents are clear of any obstructions in order for your AC unit to work at its best.

Bryan Persing
Bryan Persing

Extreme music expert. Evil beer buff. Friendly sushi ninja. Professional bacon scholar. Friendly tv practitioner.

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