How to Tell if Your Air Conditioner is Running at Peak Efficiency After a Tune Up

To ensure that your air conditioning unit and all its components are working as they should, it is recommended to schedule an annual tune-up at least once a year. Learn how to tell if your AC is running at peak efficiency after a tune up.

How to Tell if Your Air Conditioner is Running at Peak Efficiency After a Tune Up

To ensure that your air conditioning unit and all its components are working as they should, it is recommended to schedule an annual tune-up at least once a year. This service, which is sometimes referred to as “clean and check”, is best done in the spring before the cooling season begins. If you live in a warmer climate or make heavy use of the system, it is advisable to schedule a second regular maintenance visit during peak season to keep the system performing optimally for the rest of the year. If it has been longer than usual between annual adjustments, your system may start to show signs that it's time to call your local Carrier dealer.When performing an AC adjustment, a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professional evaluates your efficiency by measuring voltages and amp consumption.

They also tighten the cables and connections and test the performance of the fan motor, contactor, compressor and condenser. This is why air conditioner repair, also known as air conditioning adjustments, are such an important part of your home maintenance regimen.During the set-up of the cooling system, a HVAC contractor will identify any issues that may be preventing your air conditioner from expelling cold air. While air conditioners are designed and tested to work reliably for years, an annual air conditioner tune-up can be the key to keeping the HVAC system running at peak performance and helping to extend its lifespan. Both approaches can give the desired result when preparing the air conditioner to work at its best during the hot summer months, as long as the service is provided by a reputable HVAC contractor.

An air conditioner tune-up saves money by avoiding extensive repairs (if not all repairs), which almost always cost more than preventive tune-ups.The duration of the cooling setup depends on the degree of maintenance being carried out and the general condition and cleanliness of the air conditioning system. When you call your local Carrier dealer to schedule an air conditioning service, they will give you a rough estimate of how long it will take. One of the surest ways to know if your air conditioner is working properly is to simply pay attention to how you feel at home. When the air conditioner tune-up is complete, your HVAC professional will provide homeowners with a report on the status of the system.Scheduling an annual preventive air conditioning service is relatively inexpensive compared to a more serious problem that requires a larger air conditioning service.

During a routine maintenance service call, your dealer will likely evaluate the performance of the air conditioning system in various operating modes to determine its condition and assess whether repairs or adjustments are needed. If your air conditioner unit is working well, the air that comes out should be at least 15 degrees colder than the air that comes in. In addition, lack of airflow makes it difficult for your cooling system to meet your home's needs.

Bryan Persing
Bryan Persing

Extreme music expert. Evil beer buff. Friendly sushi ninja. Professional bacon scholar. Friendly tv practitioner.

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