Is Your Air Conditioner Running Safely After a Tune Up?

Are you worried that your air conditioner may not be running safely after a tune up? Don't worry! Learn how to tell if your AC is running properly and how to get it ready for warmer weather.

Is Your Air Conditioner Running Safely After a Tune Up?

Are you concerned that your air conditioner may not be running optimally after a tune up? Don't worry, there are several ways to tell if your air conditioner is functioning properly. If you live in a hot and humid climate, it is recommended to service your air conditioner twice a year for greater peace of mind. If you hear any strange noises coming from your air conditioner or an unusual whistle from the boiler, don't ignore it. These can be signs that something is wrong and can be solved with an air conditioner tune-up.

If you observe an increase in your utility bills without any significant increase in usage activity, then it could be an indicator that your air conditioner is consuming more energy than usual. It's also recommended to get your air conditioner ready in spring to make sure it's ready for warmer weather. When you use your heating or air conditioning on a regular basis, for example, in the middle of winter or in the middle of summer, it's normal to see increases in your monthly electric bill. An air conditioner tune-up ensures that your unit is clean and free of odors so you can enjoy your home again.

HVAC professionals can clean air conditioner coils, change air filters to prevent clogs, and guarantee that the unit expels clean, healthy air. Generally, a buzzing sound can occur if the air flow is partially obstructed when the air conditioning unit attempts to push air past the obstruction, generating perceptual sounds. Air conditioner settings not only increase system efficiency, but they also help to save energy and extend the life of the air conditioning system. To make sure that your air conditioning system is running safely after a tune up, check for dirty or loose electrical connections, leaks, or broken safety devices.

Replace the fiberglass, polyester, HEPA, or UV air filter. If you notice any of these signs, you can count on local home service experts to help you resolve any issues before more costly repair problems arise.

Bryan Persing
Bryan Persing

Extreme music expert. Evil beer buff. Friendly sushi ninja. Professional bacon scholar. Friendly tv practitioner.

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