How Often Should You Schedule an Air Conditioner Tune Up? A Guide to AC Maintenance

Learn how often you should schedule an air conditioner tune up for optimal performance. Find out why annual maintenance checks are important and how they can help extend the life of your system.

How Often Should You Schedule an Air Conditioner Tune Up? A Guide to AC Maintenance

You should always make sure to schedule regular maintenance for your air conditioner, regardless of its age. An annual tune-up is usually sufficient for newer systems, but if your unit is five years old or older, it's best to get two adjustments per year. The older the unit, the more care and attention it will need to ensure that it can last through the hot summer months. At the very least, you should try to get your air conditioner serviced every year, in early to mid-spring.

For optimal performance, it would be in your best interest to have your unit checked in the fall as well. An HVAC contractor will focus on your furnace to prepare your system for heating demands once temperatures drop. While it's always a good idea to check and clean your air conditioner regularly throughout the year to make sure that it's running smoothly, it's essential to make an appointment for air conditioning service at least once a year. There is no need for someone to come every other month, but having your unit inspected a couple of times a year can be beneficial in many ways. We suggest scheduling a tune-up in spring and another in autumn.

These biannual maintenance checks can help fix small problems before they become serious issues and extend the life of your system. Some HVAC experts charge a fixed fee for standard air conditioner maintenance, while others charge by the hour. With a set-up for autumn, you can repair any damage caused by the hot summer months and prepare for the cold winter months ahead. Air filters can quickly become clogged, significantly reducing the efficiency of the air conditioner and making it difficult to cool the house. While it can be difficult to schedule a visit in the hot and cold months, technicians often have much more flexibility when it comes to setting up and registering during the spring and fall. Even if you book an annual air conditioning service frequently, there are things you can do throughout the year to optimize the efficiency of your air conditioner and make it work at its best.

To reduce the risk of rust, weather damage, and wildlife nesting in or eating mechanical parts of the air conditioner, prepare the air conditioner in a basic way for winter. As mentioned earlier, spring is the best time of year to schedule air conditioner maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.Express Air Conditioning and Heating has been providing professional, high-quality service for air conditioners and heating units in Pensacola and surrounding areas for years. To ensure that your AC unit is running optimally all year round, it's important to schedule regular tune-ups. An annual check-up should suffice for newer systems, but if your unit is five years old or older, it's best to get two adjustments per year. This will help fix small problems before they become serious issues and extend the life of your system.

Additionally, you should also check and clean your air conditioner regularly throughout the year to make sure that it's running smoothly. By following these tips and scheduling regular maintenance checks for your AC unit, you can ensure that it runs efficiently all year round. This will not only save you money on energy bills but also help extend its lifespan.

Bryan Persing
Bryan Persing

Extreme music expert. Evil beer buff. Friendly sushi ninja. Professional bacon scholar. Friendly tv practitioner.

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